Sunday, January 10, 2010

Crazy Busy

So today begins 2 weeks of sheer craziness. Today we have a wedding shower for my cousin who is getting married the 23rd of January. Next Friday the 15th is my cousin Emily's rehearsal dinner followed by the wedding on Saturday. I usually wouldn't be so nervous and uptight, but Isabel is going to be the flower girl in Emily's wedding. I have been working with her for months practicing walking slowly and smiling "pretty" not "silly". At times Izze thinks she is the one getting married, but I will have to explain all of that to her later. On Sunday, we have tickets to Laurie Berkner, which "Santa" brought Izze for Christmas. For those of you who do not know who Laurie Berkner is, you must not have a toddler. I would have to say she is the Raffi of the 2010. Then on the 22nd of January I am going to OPRAH, yes you heard it right OPRAH. I am taking my mom, mother-in-law and great friend Naomi. After Oprah, we have my cousin James wedding on the 23rd, and my schools open house on the 24th. Finally the last week of January is Catholic Schools Week, so I will stay quite busy with plenty of school activities. I guess I can breath again in February, no wait, then I will begin my plans for little miss Izze's big 3rd birthday. Phew

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