Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Okay, so I guess I have been a bit too busy to blog lately. School has been occupying a lot of my time, we have the end of the quarter grades due, forensics night tomorrow, holy week next week, and to top it off I volunteered to run the book fair. I know I am a bit extreme, but it sure makes the weeks fly. Drew, Izze and I are looking forward to Easter vacation. We are heading to Naples Florida to spend some good ole family time together. If you ask Izze she plans to be in the pool or at the beach the entire time. I tell you, that little girl is a fish, she loves her baths and will stay in until the water is freezing cold and we have to beg her to get out.

Here is Izze's top 10 favorites:
1. Swinging on her swing set, you could push her til your arms fall off and she still won't want to go inside.
2. Laundry, I know doesn't sound fun huh? Well, Izze and I make it so much fun and she loves pressing start and putting the detergent in.
3. Baking and Cooking, she pulls up the kitchen chair and hops up to help me stir anything. The only problem is she also likes to sneak a taste, even if it's just raw eggs (ick).
4. Dressing up like a princess. If you ask Izze she thinks we are going to Disney World and meeting Cinderella and having lunch with her. I hate to break it to her, but mommy and daddy have to save our pennies first.
5. Reading books, her favorite at the moment is Going On a Bear Hunt.
6. Barbie movies. Ugh! These movies are starting to drive me nuts, but she loves them and can quote them after only watching them once.
7. Grapes, only the green ones, the other ones are "yucky".
8. Babies, she seems so obsessed and always has to check them out even if they are strangers. She always says "Awe, mommy isn't the baby cute?". : )
9. Ladybugs, but only if they are dead. It is hilarious because she talks to them, picks them up and places them in certain spots around the house. I guess I only have myself to blame for this obsession.
10. Singing, I think Izze has a passion for singing, even if they are the wrong words (just like Nana). At night after we put her to bed most children would cry, but not Izze, she sings. I just love listening to her and man she has talent.

Stay tuned...

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